IT:AD:TinyPG:HowTo:Extend TinyEXE


TinyExe is perfect for simple evaluations.

But it's not going to go much further without many changes.

I noticed that with its current syntax it can't parse IF (A==3) THEN R=1 ELSE R=2 as it thinks IF( is the beginning of a terminal FUNCTION.

I also don't know just yet how to set a Return value.

Nor do I know how to set up a function definition:

f(x) == ....what...?

At present, I'll look deeper into IT:AD:Irony

  • /home/skysigal/public_html/data/pages/it/ad/tinypg/howto/extend_tinyexe.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/11/04 02:00
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