"The web's scaffolding tools for modern web apps"
Yeoman helps you get up and running quicker.prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive.
Use it to downloads "generator packages" such as the AngularJS package, that when unpacked do several steps, including:
- create a default angular application
- set up IT:AD:Grunt workflows to watch, minify, refresh browsers
IT:AD:yeoman full ID of the page
page name (ID without namespace and underscores replaced by spaces)
Yeoman same as above but with the first character uppercased Yeoman same as above but with the first character of all words uppercased YEOMAN same as above but with all characters uppercased yeoman page name (ID without namespace, underscores kept as is) Yeoman same as above but with the first character uppercased YEOMAN same as above but with all characters uppercased
2015/02/01 10:46 date and time when edit session started