- See also:
A test suite solution for both SOAP and REST services (not sure if SoapUI can do REST).
Pros: * Similar to the more well-known IT:AD:SoapUI, but it appears to be better designed from a testers point of view (I've always found that SoapUI is powerful, but very heavy and hard to navigate through the myriads of options…as well as it being a Java product, which is always a bit weird for people used to Windows based UI's). * Provides abiilty to set up a test, save it as part of a test suite, and run one test or the whole suite over and over again. * Good solution for testing services. Saves having to design a test harness from scratch (although doesn't take away from having to estimate the time to create the test suites for the testers). * Reasonable price (149 for pro, compared to 349 for IT:AD:SoapUI). Cons:
- Not the market leading/more well known IT:AD:SoapUI
- Doesn't have Form feature of IT:AD:SoapUI Pro.
- .NET Equivalent to IT:AD:SoapUI
- Price:
- Lite: free
- Personal: 49
- Enterprise Single: 149/user
- The Rest Version:
- Same pricing.
- For a Tester, it would be easier than developing custom IT:AD:cURL scripts (although a dev person might prefer cURL).