


An example:

        public struct TypeKey
            private Type _t1;
            public Type T1
                get { return _t1; }
                set { _t1 = value; }

            private Type _t2;
            public Type T2
                get { return _t2; }
                private set { _t2 = value; }

            public TypeKey(Type t1, Type t2)
                _t1 = t1;
                _t2 = t2;

        public interface IConventionMappingService
            T2 MapAway<T1, T2>(T1 t1) where T2 : class, new();

            T2 MapAway<T1, T2, TConverter>(T1 t1)
                where T2 : class, new()
                where TConverter : ConventionInjection, new();

            void Register(Type t1, Type t2, ConventionInjection mapping);

        public class ConventionMappingService :IConventionMappingService
            private Dictionary<TypeKey, ConventionInjection> _conventionInjections =
                new Dictionary<TypeKey, ConventionInjection>();

            public T2 MapAway<T1, T2>(T1 t1)
                where T2 : class, new()
                return new T2().InjectFrom(t1) as T2;

            public T2 MapAway<T1, T2, TConverter>(T1 t1)
                where T2 : class, new()
                where TConverter : ConventionInjection, new()
                return new T2().InjectFrom<TConverter>(t1) as T2;


            public void Register(Type t1, Type t2, ConventionInjection mapping)
                _conventionInjections[new TypeKey(t1, t2)] = mapping;


The MappingService tries to map from one to another based on conventions. There are built in ones, which is fine for a while, but you can register your own Conventions (which the documentation refers to as Injections).

Here's an example a trivial convention:

        //Create a custom Converter, based on ConvetionInjection
        //specifying a convention based on src and target property names:
        public class MyConverter : ConventionInjection
            protected override bool Match(ConventionInfo c)
                return c.SourceProp.Name == "Name" && c.TargetProp.Name == "Title";
                // where source prop is "Id" and target prop is Source type name + "_Id"  ( Id - Foo_Id; Id - Bar_Id )

See IT:AD:ValueInjecter:HowTo:Convention Examples for more examples.

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