


Secure communication across the web is most often done using IT:AD:SSL / it:ad:tls.

That's nice – as long as you can control all hops in between here and there.

An alternative is SSH.

It's required by many services – including IT:AD:BitBucket – who prefer it to passing Username/password – even over https – with every operation request.

  • Advantages:
  • Considerations:
    • All corporate sites allow HTTPS through their firewall. Not all accept SSH (over TCP 22).
    • BitBucket/Git offer SSH as one doesn't have to pass username/pwd with every command, which is suboptimal – even if secured by SSL/
  • Disadvantages:
    • Relatively harder to set up.

* Port:TCP 22

The process of setting up SSH is done with a combination of IT:AD:SSH-KEYGEN, IT:AD:SSH-ADD, and other tools, and is more or less the following:

Most developers encounter those tools for the first time via IT:AD:Git Bash (the Shell emulator that is installed when IT:AD:Git is installed). For Windows developers more used to IT:AD:Powershell than a Linux shell, it's not hard to get those commands to be available there as well: * Install

The above is more than the average .NET developer wants to much around with, and considering the following:

you might be wondering if SSH is worth the pain, and not just stick with using HTTPS, as IT:AD:Visual Studio is doing.

To be continued….

  • /home/skysigal/public_html/data/pages/it/ad/ssh/home.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/11/04 22:36
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