IT:AD:Sencha Touch
Ext.form.TextField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Text, { constructor: function() { .... Ext.form.TextField.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } });
- Currently only Webkit based (iPhone, Android)
- Mention of it being already ported to Blackberry (have to look that up)
- Porting to Windows 8
- Adding support for Windows Phone 7
- “…we'll be adding support for Windows Phone 7 in the Sencha Touch 2.x family of products, and then Windows 8…”
- “We’re doing things in Touch 2 that makes it possible for us to support Windows Phone Mango eventually in a future minor release of Touch, but Windows Phone support won’t arrive in 2.0.”
- “To date, we haven’t spent time on Windows phones, mostly because the Windows Phone 7 browser was so poor that it wasn’t worth evaluating.”
- “The Sencha developers have also added support for several new browsers. The new version of the framework is compatible with BlackBerry devices, the Kindle Fire Web browser, and Chrome on Android. Support for Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 is under development and will be added in another update later this year.” REF