IT:AD:Performance Counters
- See also:
- IT:AD:InstallUtil ← for installing.
You can't improve anything unless you take measurements.
Performance Counters allow you to see what's going on, factually, so that you can concentrate on bottlenecks. Or – in the case of a software vendor– prove that you are delivering a system that surpasses the system that you were commissioned to replace.
Just a suggestion:
- “Operations Performed”,
- use NumberOfItems64
- No base required
- IncrementBy(1)
* “Operation ResultType (Success/Failed/Undeterminate/Exception)”,
- use NumberOfItems64
- No base required
- IncrementBy(1)
* “Operation Performed per Second”
- use RateOfCountsPerSecond32
- No base required
- IncrementBy(1)
- “Average Operation Duration”
- use AverageTimer32
- use AverageBase
- Nominator:IncrementBy(durationStopwatch.Ticks)
- Denominator:IncrementBy(1)
* “(Sub)Operations per Operation”
- use AverageCount64
- use AverageBase
- Nominator:IncrementBy(subOperationCount)
- Denominator:IncrementBy(operationCount)
- “Percentage of Time a (Sub)Operation took of the overal Operation”
- use CountPerTimeInterval32
- No base required.
- IncrementBy(durationStopwatch.Ticks)
- Rendered as a Percentage