IT:AD:Mnemonics (and Acronyms)
- See: double_entendre:Home
It's just the way my quirky way of trying to make order out of the chaos of Application Development… Acronyms that catch my interest…
- BADIR (Business, Analysis Plan, Data, Insights derivation, Recommendations).
- FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) (see:
- ACID: Advantage, Considerations, Disadvantage (rather than simply
Pros & Cons
) - 10 P's: Purpose, prior planning, passion, patience and persistence prevent piss poor performance.
- BEST/: Business Empowering Software Tools
- SPANK IT/: Software Poorly Analysed Nearly Kills IT.
- SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
- SWOT/: Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
- RACI: Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed
- Used for RFP's, etc. clearly defining Engagement. Do not state you are Responsible if you cannot control outcome, etc.
- Responsible: The people responsible for getting the job done.
- Accountable Exactly one person accoutnable for each activity. Owner of end result and quality.
- Consulted: involved through input of knowledge and information
- Informed: receiving information abdout process execution and quality
- IT:AD:RASCI Responsible, Accountable, Supporting, Consulted, Informed (and Ignored)
- MAXCAP/: Model, Automate, Xecute, Control, Audit, Perfect
- Used to explain the benefits of WF and BPM
- MoSCoW/: MUST, Should, Could, Won't
- Good Agile stories follow the INVEST principle: I – Independent, N – Negotiable, V – Valuable, E – Estimable, S – Small, T – Testable. Negotiable means your opinion as a developer is needed. In Search:
- OCRRA: Objective, Context, Rationale, References, Acceptance
- Use to develop actionable Requirements.
- See IT:AD:SMART * SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
- Used to develop actionable Requirements.
* Security:
- STEM/ Leaks in (ministry) office buildings
- RAID: Risks, Assumptions, Issues, Dependencies
- EOI: Expressions of Interest
- MEASURE: Monitoring and Evaluation to Assess, Summarize and Use Results Effectively
- Dog Food It
- Then again…Cat's Ain't Dogs
Other Patterns
- Monkey-Factoring (Javascript)
- NBC: Nothing But Commercials
- TWA: Try walking across
- DATACOM: Digital Assets Technical Abilities – Customers Options Management