IT:AD:Information Management Lifecycle
- Vision, Mission, Desired Outcomes
- Constraints
- Define Framework to communicate expected Community Culture developed from addressable Individual/Behaviour
- While meeting Legal and any other other Preexisting Agreements
* Lifespan expectations of:
- Service (implies there is a Terms & Conditions that communicates the end of service date, associated to specific versions)
- Catalogs (implies that the service may take offline service modules, again communicated in T&C)
- Catalog Items (implies records have an expiration date, to address possible Copyright & Maori ownership constraints)
- Funding to cover operations, maintenance, and deployment through the whole service lifespans (not just the project go live date).
- Receiving information from others (adhoc/unscheduled addition of information)
- Collection of information from sources (implies linking to source catalogues, contact lists, etc.)
- Recording (implies a place to record source information beyond what is ultimately developed into a presentable resource)
- Define Viewpoint (same data can be presented to different stakeholders in different ways)
- (Self)Learner: data should be accessible, comprehensible for users to gain value without external assistance.
- Whanau: progress, achievements and alerts should be shareable with others
- Teacher: a teacher should be able to assess the relationship of the learner to the material, and add additional value.
- Peers: learners should be able to learn in pairs and teams. Teachers are learners as well. So are BOT members.
- Adminstrators: providers should be able to plan with their teachers
- BOT: boards of trustees should be able to provide governance to the provider based on learner's progress.
- Sector: analysts should be able to view the sector's providers, and anonymous learner progress.
- Authenticated Public: same
- UnAuthenticated Public
- Etc.
- Structure:
- Logical elements of the Resource (Summary, Introduction, Appendices, etc.)
* Related Metatdata
- Who is RASCI for this document
- When released, updated, changes
- Constraints (expiration, ownership, attribution & copyrights, cost to access, etc.)
- Formatting (the Structure is often rendered as connected views and/or sections under headings)
- Note that an alternate technique to show multiple related Viewpoints alongside each other in the same View is by using Gutters/Sidenotes, or side-by side comparison screens.
- Collaboration (by Responsible and Supporting roles)
- Classification (Security Classification, Tags, Attribution, Location usable (eg, visible only in-country?), etc.)
- Contribution (who Supported, who was Consulted)
- Attribute (who authored this resource)
- Reference (to other resources, generally as Footnotes)
- Link (to related resources, which is not same as footnotes)
- Comment (by Consulted and Informed stakeholders)
- Sequence (set position within a larger collection)
- Compliance:
- Validate
- Correctness
- Alignment
- Attribution
- Ownership/Lifespan
- Change control:
- Notify changes to Responsible, Consulted collaborators and Informed commentators.
- Notify upcoming changes to interested/related development stakeholders to minimize impact when released.
- Publish
- First time
- Revise/Replace (ie: Update published resources, releasing a Minor Change Version)
- Supersede (release a Major Change Version, linking previous version to new)
- Includes Merge operations
- Revert:
- Include Undo Merge operations
- Notification:
- notify published changes to interested/related stakeholders
- Comment (by consumer)
- Correct (live edit by appropriate users)
- Self-Correct (when it's a personal record, allow the person who knows themselves best to correct their PII)
* Rate by User @ specific date (all information deprecates over timeā¦)
- Tag by User (custom categorization)
- Interrelate/Link to other Resources:
- To items in the same system
- To items in External systems
- Compare:
- To Historical Records
- To Different Records
- To Different Viewpoints
- Moderate
- Correctness
- Comprehension / Understandability
- Clarity
- Conciseness
- Appropriateness / Relevance / current value
- Legality (Laws change over time, impacting privacy, etc.)
* Moderate Metadata
- Moderate/Rationalize user Tagging choices
- Moderate user Comments (PII, profanity)
- Address behaviour, reference T&C, change user roles and status as necessary.
- Curate: basically, keep it a valuable Resource rather than developing into a Liability.
- Monitor Trends of Usage/By, informing Resourcing/Funding
- Manage (phone/email/non-system users) Requests for Correction
- Manage Requests for Owned data (GDRP) in non-normalized/normalized formats
- Manage Requests for Deletion (RTBF)
- Deprecate/Retire
- Archive
- Remove record (soft)
- Decommission record Catalogue
- Export Data in normalized format as preferred by National Archives
- Decommission System