
IT:AD:Front-End Testing


Automated Front-End testing is the replacement for laborious manual User Acceptance Testing.

In this day and age, modern applications MUST actively work towards testing the front-end using Automation.

This implies changes to the development process (preferring IT:AD:SWA based client/server development approaches, over ASP.MVC/ASP.NET, and ensuring that each User Stories have been analysed and relevant Acceptance Tests have been developed.

Only when the Acceptance Tests have been defined, should developers touch a User Story.

And their first action is to actually convert the Acceptance Test Definition into Code, using the most appropriate framework.

For front end development, there are several approaches.

The old standby that for years filled this space was IT:AD:Selenium.

But IT:AD:Selenium has recently lost some traction in favour of Node.JS based test frameworks.

Some alternate approaches that should be investigated are:

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  • Last modified: 2023/11/04 03:24
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