- See also:
## Summary ##
Although Waterfall is on the way out, the transition to Agile is a slow process for many: contractual process remains traditional, and the production has moved to Scrum (known as ScrumFall).
hasn't yet replaced it in its entirety. Many of the Waterfall Every one of the 6D/ processes produces deliverables, in the form of documents.
Worth considering before you embark on another 100 page opus:
The overall flow of deliverables is as follows:
Note:Some of the above steps run parrallel (BRD and URD for example)
- Project Charter
- Project Approval Document
- Cost Estimation Worksheet
- Development Estimate Worksheet
- Project Capital v. Expense Costs
- Project Risk Analysis
- Procurement Plan
- Project Organisation Chart
- Roles and Responsibilities Matrix
- Required Approvals Matrix
- COBIT Checklist and Reviews
- Root Cause Analysis
- Project Plan
- IT:AD:Documentation:BRD: Document what is required to add value to a Business.
The Client has to do some Discovery of its own Business needs before it Decides it wants to solicite for a provider to develop the solution.
- IT:AD:Documentation:Project Charter: “Project Charter”
- IT:AD:Documentation:Request for Information (RFI): “Request for Information” about a service company and its capabilities/suitability for an upcoming proposal.
- IT:AD:Documentation:RFP (Request for Proposal): “Request for Proposal”: sent to vetted venders to submit a proposal on a specific project.
- The RFP might also entail a:
- Options Summary: “Options Analysis Document”/Summary/Paper
* IT:AD:Documentation:RFQ: “Request for Quote” on a specified project implementation.
- MA: “Master Agreement” agreement between client and vendor.
- IT:AD:Documentation:SOW: “Statement of Work” agreement between client and vendor.
Discover - Vendor
The vendor has Discover the needs of the Client/.
- FRD: “Functional Requirements Document”
- NFRD: “Non-Functional Requirements Document”
- SRS: “Software Requirements Specifications”
- IT:AD:Documentation:Architecture Description Document (ADD): “Architecture Definition Document”
- IT:AD:Documentation:Solution Architecture Description (SAD) Document: “Solution Architecture Description”
- IT:AD:Documentation:SDD (Solution/Application Design Document): a more succinct equivalent of the IT:AD:Documentation:Solution Architecture Description (SAD) Document.
- In an agile project, this is developed/updated as one develops the solution.
- IT:AD:Documentation:TDD: “Technical Design Document(s)“
- IT:AD:Documentation:Test Summary Report (TSR): “Test Summary Report” Document TSR
- PMD: “Post Mordem Document”
Requirements should be:
- Correct
- Unambiguous
- Complete
- Consistent
- Ranked for importance and/or stability
- Verifiable
- Modifiable
- Traceable
- [Requirements Specifications] (
Develop Phase
Even in the IT:AD:Development phase, in addition to the actual solution being produced, there are related documents.
These are:
- IT:AD:Documentation:SDD (Solution/Application Design Document): a more succinct equivalent of the IT:AD:Documentation:Solution Architecture Description (SAD) Document.
- In an agile project, this is developed/updated as one develops the solution.
- IT:AD:Documentation:RFC:Request for Change: “Request For Change” to handle additional requirements that were not captured during the IT:AD:Discovery / IT:AD:Define phases.
- IT:AD:Documentation:Static Analysis Report: An optional report on a Static Code Analysis. Covers several concepts (security, complexity, etc.)
- HIG:Human Interface Guidelines.
- UIG:User Interface Guidelines.
- Testing Deliverables:
- Test cases Documents
- Test Plan
- Testing Strategy
- Test Scripts
- Test Data
Delivery Phase
- IT:AD:Documentation:Implementation: A summary of the application architecture, infrastructure requirements, settings. Of use by 2nd level support/.
- Testing:
- Test Trace-ability Matrix
- Test Results/reports
- Test summary report
- Install/config guides
- IT:AD:Documentation:Defect Report Document: “Defect Report Document”
- RND: “Release Notes Document”
- RFI: Request for Information about a service company and its capabilities/suitability for an upcoming proposal.
- RFP: Request for Proposal
- Business Requirements Document (BRD):Document what is required to add value to a Business.
Options Summary
* Summary * Project Description * Option Assessment
- Options 1-n
* Describe in terms of Business, not technology
* Strength * Weaknesses * Opportunities * Threats
Requirements Gathering
[Requirements Specifications] (
- Functionality [Biz Caps, Security]
- Usability [Human Factors, Accessibility, Consistency, Aesthetics, Documentation]
- Reliablity [FailureRatio, Severity, Recoverabiltiy, Predictabilty, Accuracy]
- Performance [Responsiveness, Throughput, Speed, Resource Consumption,
- Supportability [Testability, Extensibility, Adaptability, Maintainability, Compatibility, Configurability, Serviceability, Installability, Localizability, Portability]
- Correct
- Unambiguous
- Complete
- Consistent
- Ranked for importance and/or stability
- Verifiable
- Modifiable
- Traceable