- Craig Hind presenting.
- Characteristics of Modern digital business environment:
- Delivering Value
- Employment
- Test/Learn/Iterate
- Strategic use of data
- Tech at the core
- Caps of a modern app:
- Secure, Resilience, Elastic, Modular, Automated, Interoperable
- Biz Service Teams
- 2 pizza rule
- DevOps, small nimble team
- Focused innovation
- API based.
- Focused innovation.
- Note that Amazon was not a tech-company. It's a robotic focused distribution service.
- 3Tier:
- used to be Presentation, Logic, Storage
- has morphed to
- Compute:
- EC2: virtual server instances (IaaS)
- ECS and EKS: Container management service for running Docker on a managed cluster of EC2.
- AWS Fargate: Container management service for running Docker on a managed cluster of EC2.
- Serverless containers….Cool.
- AWS Lambda: Serverless compute for stateless code execution in response to triggers.
- Data Stores:
- S3
- Aurora RDS
- DynamoDB
- DocumentDB
- ElasticCache
- INtegration:
- EventBridge
- Step Functions
- API Gateway
- AppSync
- APIs are the front door of microservices
- A challenge is proving cross-system
- API Gateway:
- Host multiple versions & stages of APIs
- Create/distribute API Keys to devs
- Throttle /monitor request to protect your backend
- Leverage signature version 4 to authorise access to APIs
- Perform Request/Responde data transformation and API mocking
- Reduce latency and DDos protection through CloudFront
- Store API response through managed cahces
- Generage SDKs fro Java, JavaScript, Java for Android, Objective-C or Swift for iOS and RUby
- Event based development:
- Event Routers
- Async Events
- Event Stores (Push/Pull)
Amazon EventBridge:
- Publish:
- AWS Services - Default event bus
- Custom Events - custom event bus
- Saas Apps → EventSource –
> SaaS EventBus
AWS Lambda
Amazon Kinesis
AWS Step Functions
Additional targets
- RElational
- Key-Value (real-time bidding, shopping cart, social, product, catalog, customer preferences)
- Document (CMS, Personalisation, mobile)
- In-Memory (leaderboards, real-time analytics, caching)
- Graph (fraud detection, social networking, recommendation engine)
- Time-Series (iot applications, event tracking)
- Ledger (immutable)
* Options:
- Rehost
- Replatform
- Refactor (microservices)
- ReInvent (serverless)