A mnemonic describing stages of an ALM.
- Direction ← management: objective, resources
- Delta Analysis ←- what is the gap between what we have/have to build/to prioritize
- IT:AD:Develop ← AT definitions, AT coding, Coding to meet Testing, Continuous Accreditation
- Direct ← ie: 'Operate' other ALM's.
- Management Mode (to minimize Downtime).
- Review and Re-Assess
- Prioritize
- Determine Management
- Rehearse
- Notify Customers
- Execute changes
- Downtime
- Or putting app in Management Mode to partial run (% of servers processing live requests or features)
- Manage Issues & Risks
* Duplicate ← measure/reassess/repeat the whole process for the next set of functionality…
- Disposal ← Data disposal is not the same as System Decommissioning..
- Decommission (Closedown)