- Lists:
- In
- Goal: offload from the brain - recording material to use later.
- Where you capture ideas and tasks as they occur to you.
- Criteria for entry is: low (anything goes)
- Can have multiple Ins (or maybe Ins with @tags)
- Process entries:
- one at a time in the order they are on the file.
- decide if:
- actionable
* determine a physical action that would move it closer to goal.
- if it takes < 2minutes, do it. Now.
- if > 2minutes, delegate it, or move it to the next actions.
- delegate, send them them an email
- mark it in waiting for list with the date it was put on.
- put it in Some day/maybe list
- put in in tickler file (no action now, but remind me some time in future)
- Each one gets done, thrown away, put into tickler file for later reminder.
- Next actions (probably several – more on that later)
- Waiting for
- Projects
- Every time you review list of projects, you ensure there is an Action on your Next Actions list. Ensures projects move forward.
- Some day/maybe