
IT:AD:Information Management


Unmanaged information quickly loses relevance, and therefore value.

IM is an emerging field, with a loose set of core aspects listed below, and custom aspects tailored to needs.

At a high level, core activities can be listed as:

  • Discover/Collect
  • Develop/Create
  • Process/Use
  • Disseminate/Share
  • Manage/Dispose

At a finer grain of detail, the above can involve:

  • Discover:
    • Receive
    • Collect
  • Develop:
    • Focus
    • Structure
    • Link
    • Contribute
    • Collaborate
    • Collect Feedback
  • Process/Use:
    • Focus
    • Investigate
  • Manage:
    • Provide Feedback
    • Categorize
    • Disseminate
    • Retire
  • Discovery:
    • Receive data and information
    • Collect data and information
  • Definition (at both levels: Information System definition versus Information item design…):
    • System-level:
      • Purpose: the Mission of the system (people + technology)
      • Audience: for whom the information intended for?
      • Principles: the guidance given to system stakeholders to self-govern to desired outcome.
      • Policies: the few rules that need to be spelled out.
      • Processes: the processes that need to be developed to cater for what is not done by humans.
      • Governance: who will arbitrate decisions that cannot be self-solved using Principles, and develop Principles
      • Ownership: who owns this system
        • who owns a sub-system/sub-group of information?
      • Stewardship: who is responsible for maintaining the value of this piece of information within the system?
        • who is responsible for a sub-system/sub-group of information?
      • Interaction mode: Presented, Guided, Self Discovery
        • Delivery Channels: print, web, audio, references
        • Accessibility: what percent of the intended audience is acceptable?
        • Alternatives: if this system is inadequate in some regard, where else can information be retrieved from?
        • Internationalization: What languages should be offered (note that language can only solve navigation and assistance, not content). See Accessibility (to foreign language users, etc.).
        • Roles: in what capacity will users interact with the data and information? Reader, Accountable, Responsible, Collaborator/Support, Contributor.
        • Metrics: what scales should the information's value be measured against?
        • Desired Outcomes: is a measurable outcome of the action engendered from understanding the information provided?
        • Actions: any predictable actions from understanding the information (ie, are they Instructions?)
          • What is the Primary Action of the above Choices?
        • Shape/Structure: what is the shape of the information (Summary, Background, Scope, Audience)
        • Focus Areas: can the information be lumped into different groups? (Org groups? Interest groups?, etc.)
        • Taxonomy:
          • Multiple taxonomies: information can be classified and organised in multiple orders (.
          • Ad-hoc classification:
        • Information Organisation: how will the information be organized? (Generally tied to the Primary Taxonomy?
        • Default Order: documents should be orderable as needed by the user – but by what Attribute should documents be listed by default? Date Created? Date Edited? Size? Format? Tag? Rating?
        • Intended Lifespan: how long is the information expected to be of value?
        • Security Rating: not the same as role based access.
        • Relationships:
          • In-document: i.e., hyperlinks, footer links, etc.
          • Between document:
            • system managed calculated links (“you may be interested in the following documents…” etc.)
            • system managed metadata links (“the above item is related to items x, y, z”)
        • Auditability: we should track who created, edited, deleted the information. But should we not know who is viewing the information? Even if just tracking for usage?
        • Archivability: can documents be deleted, or just removed from operation? (the latter is closer to intent of NZ archiving laws).
        • Ownership: not the same as Creator.
        • Stewardship:
        • Information element:
        • Desired outcome:
        • Structure:

        * Design:

    • System level:
      • Define
        • Item level:
          • Ownership: who owns this piece of information
          • Stewardship: who is responsible for maintaining the value of this piece of information within the system
          • Structure:

        * Develop content:

    • Reference discovered sources
    • Collaborative development
      • Review
    • Summarize
    • Classify: according to the Taxonomy.
      • Complete
      • Clarify
      • Simplify
      • Curate (Information Group level editing)

      * Decision

    • Revalue:
    • Correct?
    • Update/Link?
    • Extend?
    • Develop?
    • Retire?
    • Version
    • Implications
      • Expected Outcomes
      • Potential Risks
  • Deploy & Maintain
    • Publish
    • Update
    • Supercede (Version)
    • Merge
    • Depracate (but still available)
    • Delete
    • Archive

Objectenabled: booltitle: stringdescription: stringheader: stringbody: stringfooter: stringLinktitle: stringdescription: stringurl: stringenabled:booldisplayOrder: intdisplayStyle: string

Information Management (High Level)ReceiveCreateManageUseDispose

Information ManagementCreateManageUseReceiveCollaborateReferenceReviewProvide FeedbackCategorizeFocusInvestigateFocus AreasStrategiesOutcomesImplications

  • /home/skysigal/public_html/data/pages/it/ad/information_management/home.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/11/04 03:25
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