# IT:AD:Resharper:HowTo:Configure Code Cleanup # * [[../|(UP)]] {{indexmenu>.#2|nsort tsort}} * [Visual Studio]/[Options] * Scroll down to bottom [Tools]/[Code Cleanup] * [Add] * Remove Code Redundencies = true * Use AutoProperty, if possible = true * Make field read-only, if possible = true * Use Var in declaration: * Replace direction: can Var to Type Usage * Foreach: always explicit * Local: always explicit * Update file Header =true * Optimize using directives =true * SHoren qualified references=true * Reformat code=true...yes * Reformat embedded XML=true...maybe * Reorder type members = NO NO NO NO To make it shutup: * [Resharper]/[Options] * [Code Inspection]/[Inspection Severity] * C# * Go through that list * FOr me, I like it tight tight tight. But if working on code from others, I relax it, and tighten it one notch at a time, on fridays...