# IT:AD:Patterns:SASS # * [[../|(UP)]] {{indexmenu>.#2|nsort tsort}} * Future proofing: The capabilities of the carrier networks and the devices on those networks are ever improving. It is a very expensive and time-consuming process for an enterprise to keep pace with and manage the change. SaaS supports rapid evolution because the cost of research and development is shared among all subscribers, not just one organization. * Pay for use: The SaaS model reduces shelfware by allowing an enterprise to buy exactly the number of licenses it needs in real time. As new users are hired, they can be added to the contract and provisioned in a matter of minutes. * OPEX vs. CAPEX: SaaS expenditures are deemed to be operational expenses, in contrast to traditional software licenses, which are designated as capital expenditures. * Faster deployment: SaaS solutions are generally more quickly deployed than build-your-own solutions, since little time is required for approval, setup, testing and deployment of the mobile infrastructure. * Business focus: SaaS allows the enterprise to focus on the mobile workflows they are implementing rather than the platform on which they run. As with other outsourcing strategies, business should focus on its core functions and outsource everything else. For most enterprises, mobile infrastructure implementation and management is not a core business function.