# IT:AD:FluentAssertions # * [[../|(UP)]] {{indexmenu>.#2|nsort tsort}} * See also: * [[IT/AD/XUnit/]] * [[IT/AD/NUnit/]] * [[it/ad/unit_testing/]] [[IT/AD/NUnit/]] had fluent assertions out of the box. [[IT/AD/XUnit/]] doesn't. A third party library adds it in an elegant, portable manner. ## Process ## The library works equally well with [[IT/AD/NUnit/]] as [[IT/AD/XUnit/]] as well other frameworks -- so it makes your tests portable (bar the Test/Fact attributes which have to be updated). The library uses a `Should()` method followed by one of a set of `Be...()` methods, which makes your tests very readable: var foo = false; foo.Should().BeTrue(); var bar = 3; foo.Should().Be(3); foo.Should().BeGreaterThan(2); foo.Should().BeLessThan(4); foo.Should().NotBe(5);