# IT:AD:DataMaps # * [[../|(UP)]] {{indexmenu>.#2|nsort tsort}} * See: * [[IT/AD/MAPS/]] * [[IT/AD/TOPOJSON/]] * [[IT/AD/D3.JS/HowTo/Maps/]] At present (Q2/2017) getting a bit long in the tooth and needing a refresher -- but it remains an *awesome* way to embed maps in your JS/TS apps. ## Notes ## * Has Dependencies on D3.js and Topojson * At present, reliant on a Q3/2016 version of D3.JS (v3, not v4) * Have been unable to get it to work with custom maps (eg: NZ). * Demos: * http://datamaps.github.io/old.html ## SOurce ## * Repo: * https://github.com/markmarkoh/datamaps/ * Muck around: * http://jsbin.com/nutawiboci/1/edit ## NZ Maps ## One map is: * https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/datamaps/0.5.8/datamaps.nzl.js But this shows -- when zoomed in -- that it's a bit rough: But to make a map for traffic, etc. remember that you don't zoom in, so it's fine. * https://github.com/markmarkoh/datamaps/blob/master/src/js/data/nzl.topo.json The world hires is even worse (and also has some glitches), again, think it's ok for the purpose of showing nz. * https://github.com/markmarkoh/datamaps/blob/master/src/js/data/world.hires.topo.json